The Engineering and Plan Review Group is responsible for the review and approval of commercial and residential plans, regulating development in the 100-year floodplain, issuing utility excavation permits, and working with residents, developers, and engineers on wastewater, stormwater, and drinking water issues, along with review of all Planning & Zoning Commission submittals. The division is also responsible for developing and implementing the City’s Traffic Management Code.
Recently Adopted Ordinances
The City uses a third party company to publish updates to the City Code. These updates are only updated a few times per year. The ordinances below were approved recently, and will affect projects that require the Engineering department. Please refer to these updated ordinances. Once they are updated on the City Code, then they will be removed from this list. The full text of these ordinances is available here.
- Section 405 of the City Code was updated via Ordinance #7056 in October 2023. A red-lined document showing the changes approved as part of this Ordinance can be downloaded here.
Changes to the Excavation Permit Process
At the O’Fallon City Council meeting on May 26, 2022, the Council adopted several changes and new conditions, via City Ordinance, regarding directional boring of utilities in residential areas. As a result, starting May 27, 2022, the adopted changes took effect on all existing and new excavation permits.
Learn what the changes may mean to your company (PDF) Ordinance 6909 (PDF)
Record Plat Submittal Deadlines
If you need to submit a Record Plat Application for approval, please note the recommended initial and completed submittal dates shown in schedule linked below. Adhering to this schedule will help your application to be processed in a timely manner and achieve approval. If you have any questions, please contact the Engineering Department.
- ENGINEERING » As-Built Permit
- ENGINEERING » Boundary Adjustment Application
- ENGINEERING » Capital Improvement Projects
- ENGINEERING » Driveway Installation Application
- ENGINEERING » Easement Dedication Plat/Vacation
- ENGINEERING » Excavation Permit
- ENGINEERING » Floodplain Development Permit
- ENGINEERING » Grading Permit
- ENGINEERING » Over-sized Load
- ENGINEERING » Record Plat Application
- ENGINEERING » Residential Site Construction Plan Application
- Manage your Projects
- Pay Fees
- Submit documents
- Schedule an inspection
- Review Progress
Downloadable Construction Plans
- Residential/Commercial Standard detail (PDF)
- Grading Plan Standard details (PDF)
- Residential/Commercial/Grading CAD files (contains the above details on CAD format)
Concrete Pavement and the Eastern Missouri Pavement Consortium
All concrete placed within the City of O'Fallon must be submitted to and approved by the Eastern Missouri Pavement Consortium (EMPC). Approved mix designs will be stored on their website for use. Specifications for concrete pavement are also provided. Please reference the EMPC brochure (PDF) for additional information. Any new mix design that is submitted may take several weeks before approval is issued.
The website to access the EMPC is In order to view information on the website, a free account is required. An account can be created by clicking "Login" on the homepage.
Driveway Permits
Learn how to apply for a permit when replacing, modifying or widening your driveway, including the process and standards set forth. Go to the Driveway Permits webpage.
Excavation Permits (Who is digging near my yard?)
The City of O'Fallon requires a permit for all utility work and utility excavations within both private property and the City right-of-way. Previously, the City only required a permit for work within the right-of-way. However, due to the State passage of the 2007 Video Service Providers Act, a new City ordinance was established for the placement of video services on private property and extends regulatory authority to the placement of any utility facilities on private property.
Utility companies are constantly digging in new utility lines around the area. New lines for high-speed internet, telephone, fiber optics, cell phones, plus new gas lines and adjustments to water and electric lines cause contractors to open up the ground, install pits and boxes, and then install their utility. These are usually shorter projects and remain mostly in the grass areas.
More information on City ordinances for utilities on private property can be found in Section 400.910 of the Municipal Code; for utilities within the City right-of-way, please refer to Section 406 of the Muncipal Code.
For information regarding utility permits, please contact or 636-379-5556.
Fiber Optic Excavations
Fiber optic communication (or "Fiber") is one of the many utilities that provide services for the residents of O'Fallon, similar to water, sewers, gas or electricity. Fiber works by transmitting information as pulses of light through strands, typically made from glass or plastic, over long distances. One of the many advantages of this technology is the ability to transit a larger volume of data at faster speeds.
The installation, maintenance and protection of these "information highways" falls on the Utility companies who own them. Per the State Statues and Laws of Missouri, Utility companies have the right to work within the City-owned right-of-way. As part of this process, the Utility company (or their subcontractor) must apply for and be granted an excavation permit by the City of O'Fallon before any work can take place.
The City maintains a database of active excavations and the companies permitted to do so. Please refer to our map of current Fiber Optic excavations to learn about work near your home or business. (Please note: the map may not reflect every company performing work.) If you have any concerns, the contact information for the respective Fiber Optic companies with current excavation permits in the City of O'Fallon is listed below. Please contact them directly with any issues you are experiencing.
View Fiber Optic Excavations Map
Enter an address to locate nearby Fiber Optic Installations
Contact Fiber Optic Companies
Company name | Contact information |
Cat 5 Construction Services | 636-791-1243 |
Metro Fibernet | 812-213-1685 |
ADB | 314-426-5200 |
Gateway Fiber | 888-201-4339, option "2" Submit an issue online |
Floodplain Management
- Floodplain Development Permit Application (PDF)
- Professional Certification for LOMR Application (PDF)
- – The National Flood Insurance Program
- For questions about floodplains or floodplain insurance, please contact Jeannie Greenlee at 636-379-5557.
Construction Inspection
This division's purpose is to review and conduct residential and commercial construction inspections of storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water mains, streets, grading, and other site development items assuring for code and approved construction plan compliance and quality of construction.
Are you a resident with a question about your final infrastructure inspection? Send an e-mail to
Interactive GIS Map
Some layers of the mapping system are featured in order to help provide some basic information to the public. Please note that the locations of the objects within this mapping system should be used for reference only. Field verification of the data may be needed. As well, some data may not be published for security reasons.
Contact Engineering staff
General Assistance | | 636-379-5596 |
Julie Taylor, Office Manager – Engineering | | 636-379-5556 |