CALEA Certification

Check out the video below to learn more about the proposed state-of-the-art facility!

The cities of O’Fallon and St. Charles are proud to announce their partnership in the development of a landmark regional law enforcement training center, the Center for Advanced Skills Training in Law Enforcement. This proposed law enforcement training center is critical in enhancing safety and security in our communities. Through this collaboration, we’re fostering teamwork, sharing expertise, and creating a stronger, united front against the crime that plagues our cities. Equally important is the fact that the proposed training center will be unique in Missouri insofar as all of the needed training components will be on one campus, the importance of which simply cannot be overstated. For an officer to be able to complete classroom, range, and driving training while also having the ability to perform force-on-force evolutions in one place will be a paradigm shift, both from an operational and planning perspective but also from a budgeting perspective resulting in a boon for all agencies.

This training center seeks to unite regional law enforcement training, continue the proactive approach on joint law enforcement operations, and enhance the economic development of the region by bringing in law enforcement officers, both local and out of state, for training and conferences, thus putting Missouri on the map as a national resource for law enforcement training.

This proposed training center is located on an 87-acre site located off Hwy 79, north of Interstate 70.

Letters of Support

Stacked Letters

Building on established partnerships in both the St. Louis region and throughout the state of Missouri, this facility has secured support from multiple law enforcement associations, including the Missouri Police Chiefs Association and the St. Louis Area Police Chiefs Association. Additionally, the Economic Development Council of St. Charles County has endorsed the construction of the Center for Advanced Skills Training in Law Enforcement because of the positive economic impact it will bring to the region.

Click to read the letters of support.


A one-mile Emergency Vehicle Operations Course

Many law enforcement agencies have little to no hands-on EVOC training. The safety requirements of operating a police vehicle at any speed cannot be overstated. Currently there are no EVOC tracks in eastern Missouri. This course will include an operating traffic intersection, skid pad, and wet-condition simulation.

A 200-yard rifle and pistol range

The proposed range will provide training opportunities at shooting distances regularly faced by officers such as hallways in large schools and businesses. This facility will also alleviate crowding at existing outdoor ranges.

A two-story, 11,000 square foot simunition house

The training provided by simunitions is the closest thing to forceon- force encounters without the use of real firearms. Having a modular and adaptive space in a safe environment allows training that takes officers to the edge of preparedness for critical encounters.

K9 training

Providing space for K9 training, agility, and kenneling to create a state-of-the-art facility not found anywhere in eastern Missouri. This training center will be equipped to host multi-state K9 qualification trials.

Drone training

Institutionalizing drone training is a must for future generations. Partnering with high-stress training results in a better prepared officer, providing the best of services to residents. This newer technology will continue to evolve and advance allowing officers to be on the cutting-edge in this field.

SWAT training

This site provides specialized training that will allow SWAT teams to train together in one location. Sniper training at the 200-yard range, an obstacle course for physical fitness testing, a breachers alley for hostage rescue training, and an area set aside for bus and airplane hostage rescue scenarios.

Training facility

The main campus building will be home to seven classrooms for basic law enforcement and continued education training, each equipped with state-of-the-art technology. In addition to the classrooms, the building will include an indoor gymnasium and a virtual reality situation-based training platform that allows officers to safely train for every situation. 

Rifle and Pistol Range
K9 Training
Drone Training