O'Fallon Safety Town

O’Fallon Safety Town is a nationally accredited child accident prevention program that introduces safety awareness and preventive procedures to children, ages 4½ through 6½ years old. The program uses a simulated city layout, a classroom facility and an off-campus field trip.

Under the guidance of police officers, a certified teacher, paramedics, firefighters, railroad police and trained volunteer staff, children experience “real life” situations. In accordance with their age and maturity, children are taught to evaluate “safe from unsafe” and how to react safely when confronted with dangerous situations.

Safety Town is the foundation of safety education, and it is the only time in a child’s life that they will have an opportunity to attend a program exclusively designed to teach safety.

Participants meet all kinds of guests, like our K-9 officers and their friendly handlers!
Kids learn to follow stop signs, crosswalks and traffic signals so they can play safely!
Participants get to meet O'Fallon Police Dispatchers and get comfortable making emergency calls.
Kids get to learn and ask questions about the tools our first responders use to save lives.
Safety Town Counselors help run the program and make each activity extra fun.
One of the best parts of Safety Town is driving around our miniature model town!
All aboard! Kids love exploring the Fire Department's big red fire truck.
Learning how to make a 9-1-1 call is an important part of the Safety Town curriculum.

2024 Program and Registration Information

Children attend Safety Town for two weeks, Monday through Friday, and may be enrolled in either a morning or an afternoon class. 

Registration is available online only. When you register, please identify the session (morning or afternoon) for which you are registering your child. Registration for the program opens Monday, April 1 at 8 a.m.

  • Safety Town classes will be offered during the following 2-week sessions at:

  • Progress South Elementary:
    201 Knaust Rd., St. Peters, MO 63376
    • June 3–14*
    • June 17–28
    • July 8–19
  • Morning classes are 9–11:30 a.m.; afternoon classes are 12:30–3 p.m.

*The first session dates (June 3-14) are contigent on Ft. Zumwalt School District's last day of school which may be impacted by inclement weather. At this time, the session will begin on June 3. We will update these dates as needed.

  • Discovery Ridge Elementary:
    2523 Sommers Rd., Lake St. Louis, MO 63367
    • June 10–21

  • Morning classes are 9–11:30 a.m.; afternoon classes are 12:30–3 p.m.

*In the event that future health guidelines prevent this program from occurring, Safety Town may be rescheduled or canceled. If it is canceled, all registration fees will be refunded.

The 2024 O'Fallon Safety Town program is sold out. Thanks for your interest in this program!

  • Safety Town Curriculum

    Participants learn a lot at Safety Town, while having a lot of fun! Through craft activities, hands-on games, songs and play, kids will explore topics like:

    • Separation from parents
    • Home Safety
    • Meeting new friends
    • Pedestrian, motorist and intersection safety
    • Understanding street signs
    • The importance of crosswalks
    • Dangers of walking between cars
    • Crossing with traffic & walk lights
    • Child passenger safety: seatbelts & booster seats
    • School Bus safety
    • Water Safety
    • Poisons and hazardous substance awareness
    • Bicycle safety
    • Stranger awareness
  • Guest Presenters

    Safety Town offers a chance to meet and talk to real emergency personnel, which helps kids identify safe people to turn to in an emergency. They'll also explore safety topics through fun activities, games and demonstrations.

    • O'Fallon K9 Officers and Handlers: Our K9 units will demonstrate their remarkable skills and teach participants about animal awareness and safety.
    • O’Fallon Fire Department: Firefighters will show off their specialized uniforms and equipment and teach lessons like "stop, drop & roll" and hazardous materials like matches. Kids will also learn how to exit a smoke-filled home with the Smoke House demonstration.
    • O’Fallon PD Communications Officers: Kids will learn when to call 9-1-1 and how to give information to dispatchers through hands-on activities and games.
    • Norfolk-Southern Railroad Police: Trains and railroads can be dangerous, and these officers will explain how to avoid risks and stay safe.
    • St. Charles County Ambulance District: Kids will get to explore an emergency ambulance, see the equipment and talk with emergency personnel to help reduce fear in the event of a real emergency.
    • Fort Zumwalt School District: Practice getting on and off a bus safely with a live demo. Kids will also learn the danger zone, and how to ride the bus safely.
  • History of Safety Town

    Founded by Dorothy Chlad in 1964, the National Safety Town Center (NSTC) in Ohio was the first and only organization dedicated solely to promote early childhood safety education.

    When O’Fallon Police Officer John Fomera learned about Safety Town in 1982, he began working with O’Fallon VFW Post 5077 and the Ladies’ Auxiliary to build support for a safety program for children. In 1984, Officer Fomera contacted NSTC for assistance. Upon arrival of the six-volume set of Safety Town instruction manuals and a slide-presentation given to VFW Post 5077 and Ladies’ Auxiliary, the enthusiasm for starting a Safety Town program was overwhelming. O’Fallon’s Safety Town was beginning to look like a reality.

    The Ladies Auxiliary and Officer Fomera worked diligently within the community to promote Safety Town and raise the donations needed for supplies and program materials. It would take more than $10,000 in donations to cover the cost of supplies, buildings, cars, and program materials.

    A cassette tape player-recorder, a pedal car and $1,000 in seed money were donated by the VFW Post and Ladies’ Auxiliary. The Jr. Girls Unit 5077 donated money for a pedal car, 13 Post and Auxiliary members donated money for six cars and a bicycle, and five local businesses donated four cars. In recognition of their support, donors’ names were painted onto the item(s) each had donated to Safety Town.

    A local salvage yard donated seat belts to be installed in the pedal cars for the safety belt “Buckle-Up” program. The Ladies’ Auxiliary and Safety Chairwomen Thurman called upon local businesses to provide crayons, scissors, glue, safety color sheets and snacks for the students.

    Plywood and paint were needed to build 10 buildings and make 55 traffic signs and posts for the Safety Town layout. The buildings were constructed by Fort Zumwalt Senior High School Shop Department students, and were painted by the Art Department. Permission was granted to use a school parking lot for Safety Town, and over 250 gallons of asphalt paint was used by volunteers to paint the 98-foot by 134-foot parking lot.

    Registration dates were set, publicity releases went out, and 42 children were registered for the first Safety Town.

    On July 21, 1985, a dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony marked the birth of the O’Fallon Safety Town Program with an NSTC-accredited, two-week, 25-hour safety course designed to promote basic safety skills for young children.

  • Safety Town FAQs

    Can I go with my child onto the Safety Town layout?

    Can I stay with my child during the Safety Town Program?

    Can siblings and or best friends be together?

    Does my child have to wear the Safety Town shirt (provided on the first class day) everyday?

    How do I register for Safety Town?

    Is my registration fee refundable?

    Should I worry about leaving my child?

    What are the age limits for Safety Town students?

    What can I do to help my child?

    What is the cost for attending Safety Town?

    When can I register for Safety Town?

    Where is Safety Town held?

    Who can attend Safety Town?

    Who can sign my child in and out at Safety Town?

    Why can't my daycare facility or sitter drop off and pick up my child?

    Why can't my younger child attend Safety Town?

Scholarship opportunities

For this year’s program, O’Fallon Kiwanis Club is going to provide a limited number of scholarships. These scholarships will allow a limited number of children to participate in the Safety Town Program who wouldn’t be able to participate without this opportunity. These children will receive a slot in their selected session before registration opens to the public. If you are interested in learning more about this scholarship opportunity please contact our Safety Town officers for more information.

Contact Safety Town for More Information

Officer Andy Lubiewski alubiewski@ofallonmo.gov 636-379-5689

Plan a route to Progress South Elementary School

Program Location: Progress South Elementary, 201 Knaust Rd, St Peters, MO 63376

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Plan a route to Discovery Ridge Elementary

Program Location: Discovery Ridge Elementary, 2523 Sommers Rd., Lake St. Louis, MO 63367

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