The O’Fallon Veterans Commission consists of eleven (11) citizen members appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council and one member of the City Council selected by the Council. All members are residents of St. Charles County, and six (6) of the members have served in the armed forces of the United States. The City Council liaison to the Veterans Commission is Councilmember Nathan Bibb.

O'Fallon's Path of Heroes honors residents who have made the ultimate sacrifice

The Path of Heroes is a 7.8-mile route through the heart of O'Fallon that passes several City facilities, like the Veterans Memorial Walk, CarShield Field and City Hall. Along the Path of Heroes, families may apply to have one of their family members honored on memorial signs listing the name and rank of those who have fallen.

There is no cost to families to have their loved ones honored along the Path of Heroes. To participate, families must fill out the Path of Heroes Application Form (PDF). Please review the rules and policies governing this program (PDF) before submitting your application. For a map of the Path of Heroes, please click here (PDF).

For more information or to submit your application, please contact Deputy City Administrator Tom Drabelle at 636-379-5508 or

The Veterans Commission advises the Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator on matters concerning Veterans’ affairs, as well as the preservation and upkeep of the City’s war memorials, including the Veterans Memorial Walk.

The commission also oversees planning for ceremonies, holidays and events honoring veterans and interacts with local Veterans’ organizations. Please email Veterans Commission questions or comments to the recording secretary Conan Stott at, or call 636-379-5550.

Veterans Assistance Office

Currently, the office is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., except holidays. If you would like to call before your visit, you may call the office at 636-379-5577.

The O’Fallon Veterans Assistance Office / 131 Bomb Wing Retiree Activities Office (131BW RAO) is located in room 133 (on the first floor) of the O’Fallon Municipal Centre (City Hall).

The Office is staffed with volunteers every day of the week who will be able to assist you with your questions. You may contact us by phone, email or stopping in. David Taylor and Bill Moyer, Veteran Service Officers who are at the St. Charles County Administration Building, Suite 203, can also be reached by calling 636-949-7900, ext. 7210.

The quarterly O’Fallon Update newsletter published by the City includes a column dedicated to Veterans and their families with current information that may help them.

Those who have questions and requests for specific VA forms may contact the O'Fallon VA Office for help. If you would like to stop by, please call to make sure someone will be present. If you leave a message, the call will be returned by one of the volunteers. The office may be contacted directly at 636-379-5577 or

The office is looking to additional volunteers to fill in when we are short of personnel on leave. Anyone interested in volunteering is welcome to contact the office at 636-379-5577, or email

Contact the Veterans Assistance Office/131BW RAO Office 636-379-5577

Veterans' memorials in O’Fallon
Available now in the Veterans Office
  • Missouri Benefits and Resource Guide for Veterans and Military – This booklet includes a list of Veterans service organizations, Service office locations, a list of Missouri VA Vet Centers and much more.
  • Paper Safe – This is a booklet of forms you can fill out for your loved ones. The information includes, medical information, estate information, marriage history, financial information, and more.
Other resources