At the O'Fallon City Council meeting on October 26, 2023, the Council adopted several changes and new conditions, via City Ordinance, regarding the City's Traffic Calming Policy/Process. As a result, starting October 27, 2023, the adopted changes took effect on new traffic calming evaluation requests. The new policy can be found in the link below.
If residents are interested in having a Traffic Calming evaluation conducted in their area, per the Traffic Calming Policy, the first step is to contact Engineering Director Wade Montgomery at to schedule a meeting to discuss the request.
The Traffic Division monitors and maintains the City of O’Fallon’s traffic signals and traffic control signs. The Traffic Division also works as project managers for the installation of new signals, signal improvement and signal modification projects.
O'Fallon's Path of Heroes honors residents who have made the ultimate sacrifice
The Path of Heroes is a 7.8-mile route through the heart of O'Fallon that passes several City facilities, like the Veterans Memorial Walk, CarShield Field and City Hall. Along the Path of Heroes, families may apply to have one of their family members honored on memorial signs listing the name and rank of those who have fallen.
There is no cost to families to have their loved ones honored along the Path of Heroes. To participate, families must fill out the Path of Heroes Application Form (PDF). Please review the rules and policies governing this program (PDF) before submitting your application. For a map of the Path of Heroes, please click here (PDF).
For more information or to submit your application, please contact Deputy City Administrator Tom Drabelle at 636-379-5508 or
Contact Traffic staff
Wade Montgomery, Engineering Director | | 636-379-5492 |
Chad Honerkamp, Traffic Signal Technician | | 636-379-3814 |
Vicky Usery, Engineering Administrative Assistant | | 636-379-5596 |
Traffic Calming Measures
City staff works closely with the O'Fallon Police Department to build and maintain safe, usable streets. While most drivers obey the posted limits, others cannot keep their foot off the accelerator. However, judging speed is not always easy and with the below video series, you can be a judge for yourself!
Programs presently in place to assist with traffic calming, include:
Traffic Calming Program
The City of O'Fallon has implemented a Traffic Calming Program (as part of the Traffic Management Policy). The program allows for various physical traffic calming measures to be installed on city streets in order to maintain the safety and operational performance of roadways. For those roadways that qualify based on the requirements of the policy, Traffic Calming installations have proved effective at reducing the average speed on a roadway to below the posted speed limit.
Below, you will find several resources regarding the Traffic Calming Program. Please contact Wade Montgomery at if you have any further questions.
- Traffic Calming Policy (PDF)
- Traffic Calming Pamphlet (PDF)
- Traffic Calming Removal Request form (PDF)
- Children at Play Sign Policy (PDF)
Citizen’s Speed Monitoring Program
In cities throughout the nation, speeding in residential neighborhoods is one of the leading causes of citizen complaints. Studies show that resolving the situation using traditional means of enforcement results in only a short-term reduction of speed; violators quickly return to speeding when enforcement ends.
Now, the O’Fallon Police Department is teaming up with the Traffic Division to administer a new anti-speeding program that uses the help of City of O'Fallon residents. Pairs of residents will use hand-held radar units to monitor neighborhood streets for speeding. Violations of 15 MPH or greater will be logged, and the information will be turned over to the Traffic Division. The Police Department will contact violators and ask for voluntary compliance with the law. No arrests will be made or tickets issued. The goal of the program is education and compliance.
Pavement Management
Each year, the Traffic Division carries out a Pavement Management Program, in conjunction with the Streets Department. The Pavement Management Program is designed to keep City streets in safe and operable conditions for use by all residents. Annually, a summary of the Pavement Management Program is published in the Pavement Manual. This includes Annual Maintenance Programs for roadways, Street Department activities for the year, and a comprehensive list of streets and corresponding PCI ratings. A copy of the latest Pavement Manual can be found below:
Traffic Signals
Each year, the Traffic Division conducts a preventative maintenance program for the City’s traffic signals, which keeps them safe and working properly.
Because some signals within the City of O’Fallon, such as those on Route K, are not owned or controlled by the City, the Traffic Division notifies the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) of any requests or concerns regarding the signals. Although it is MoDOT’s responsibility to address the issues, the Traffic Division follows up with MoDOT to see that the issues are addressed properly.
To report any signal malfunctions, damaged or downed signs, request a new sign or report any other incidents, please visit the Citizens First Center or call 636-379-5553. Due to high volume, please allow adequate time for the work to be completed. Requests for new sign installations will be investigated and evaluated based on City Ordinances and National Standards for installation of traffic control devices.
During after-hours emergencies, please contact the O’Fallon Police Department dispatcher at 636-240-3200.
No Parking Signs
The City of O'Fallon has implemented a No Parking Sign Policy as of 2019. The policy allows for No Parking signs to be installed on City Streets in order to maintain the safety and operational performance of roadways. No Parking signs can only be installed where the existing conditions of the roadway meet the minimum criteria as set forth in the Traffic Management policy and the sign is warranted.
The City of O'Fallon has implemented a Crosswalk Policy as of 2019. The policy allows for Crosswalks to be painted at intersections of City Streets in order to maintain the safety of pedestrians when crossing busy streets. Crosswalks can only be installed where the existing conditions meet the minimum criteria as set forth in the Traffic Management policy and the crosswalk is warranted.
Stop Signs
The City of O'Fallon, in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the City's Municipal Code as adopted by the City Council, has a program in place where residents may request additional stop signs at roadway intersections.
Upon receipt of a stop sign request, City staff will conduct an evaluation of the area in question. Stop signs can only be installed where the existing conditions of the roadway meet the minimum criteria as set forth in the MUTCD and the stop sign is considered warranted. Unwarranted stop signs can create hazardous road conditions for drivers and motor vehicles, and City staff is not authorized to install them unless warranted. Please note that the only purpose of stop signs is to establish right-of-way for vehicles at an intersection. Stop signs are not intended to be utilized as traffic calming devices and will not reduce speeding on roadways.
- Stop Sign Evaluation Request form (PDF)
- Stop Signs brochure (PDF) – Will a stop sign benefit your neighborhood?