The Street Division is responsible for maintaining the City’s right-of-way infrastructure for safe and pleasant travel for its citizens and visitors. In general, the Division is responsible for general street maintenance, public storm infrastructure and snow removal. The roadways in the City are the City’s most expensive asset with an estimated value of more than $400,000,000.

2024 Pavement Management & Annual Maintenance Strategies

The 2024 Pavement Management & Annual Maintenance Strategies program includes repairs to concrete slabs, targeted joints, crackseals, sidewalks, and paths. Targeted repairs are being made in every Ward each year.

View the 2024 Pavement Management Strategy

To Report a Street Light Outage

A majority of the street lights are maintained by a utility company, but the Streets Department will serve as a liaison to those companies to get the lights repaired.

To report a street light outage, you can fill out an outage report here, email us at, or call 636-379-3807. Please provide the closest address so that crews can locate and address the outage.

O'Fallon's Path of Heroes honors residents who have made the ultimate sacrifice

The Path of Heroes is a 7.8-mile route through the heart of O'Fallon that passes several City facilities, like the Veterans Memorial Walk, CarShield Field and City Hall. Along the Path of Heroes, families may apply to have one of their family members honored on memorial signs listing the name and rank of those who have fallen.

There is no cost to families to have their loved ones honored along the Path of Heroes. To participate, families must fill out the Path of Heroes Application Form (PDF). Please review the rules and policies governing this program (PDF) before submitting your application. For a map of the Path of Heroes, please click here (PDF).

For more information or to submit your application, please contact Deputy City Administrator Tom Drabelle at 636-379-5508 or

For your convenience 24/7, if you have a question, comment or work request, please visit our Citizens First Center email us at Please be as specific as possible with the request and make sure to add an address for the repair site.

If you have questions during normal business hours, please contact us at (636) 379-3807 from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. or leave us a message after hours and we will get back to you within the next business day.

While we do maintain over 700 lane miles, please understand that our roadway system also intersects with other municipalities, private roads, County roads and the State systems; therefore, we might re-direct you to the proper organization or forward the concern for you.

Major Road Repairs & Evaluations

For major road repairs, new projects or work that is contracted out, please visit our Project Management group.

  • Pavement Manual – The Public Works Department has put a Pavement Management Program in place to aid with pavement repair in the City of O’Fallon. As part of this program, each street in the City has been rated on a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 being the worst condition and 100 being the best condition. These ratings help City Staff determine which streets are most in need of repairs so that they can be scheduled when appropriate. To learn more about the City’s approach to Pavement Management, as well as recent completed projects. To request a copy, please call 636-240-2000.


The right-of-way is generally defined as the land opened, reserved or dedicated for a street, utility infrastructure or other public purpose.  In O’Fallon, a majority of the right-of-way within a subdivision is 50-feet wide which generally extends it to 12-feet behind the back of curb.  Maintenance of the right-of-way from the back of curb to the property line is the responsibility of the adjacent property owner and with the exception of mailboxes, adjacent property owners are not to place permanent or semi-permanent structures in the right-of-way. 

If you are a utility company or customer that wants to work in the right-of-way, please visit our Engineering Department for more information.

Street Work in the Right-of-Way

While there are many tasks we complete, below are some of the more typical repairs we perform.  If there is an item below that may need our attention, please visit the top of the page and let us know.

  • Concrete Replacement – While our Project Management Group handles major repairs and administers the annual pavement replacement program, the Street Department handles smaller pavement removal/replacements due to street failures and street heaves as well as certain curb repairs.  In general, Staff will evaluate the type and severity of the pavement distress and make the repairs based on the Paver distress manual.
  • Asphalt Replacement – While concrete streets dominate our landscape, certain portions of town have asphalt or composite pavement.  Similar to concrete, major repairs and overlays are performed by outside contractors and are managed by our Project Management Group; however, the Street Department removes/replaces smaller asphalt failures.
  • Potholes – Due to our area's wide temperature fluctuations, different types of precipitation events and the various types of soils in this area, the conditions are perfect for potholes to be formed. While Spring is the busiest time of the year for potholes, they can occur at any time. If you encounter a pothole, please report it to our Citizens First Center.
  • Joint Failures – Unfortunately, the region has encountered poor aggregate (rock) within concrete, and it has caused failures that are typically seen at the joints in the concrete. The City of O'Fallon has taken the lead on ensuring this issue is addressed by the region's concrete suppliers, but the repairs to old concrete are still needed. Most joint failures are repaired/treated like pothole repairs, partial depth concrete repairs or in severe cases, entire slabs are removed and replaced.
  • Sidewalks – In general, the City is responsible for repairs to sidewalks along City right-of-way; however, there are exceptions. These exceptions include sidewalks through or adjacent to driveways or entrances to private property.
  • Signs – The Streets Division maintains 9,000 street name and regulatory signs.
  • Striping – The Streets Division stripes more than 100 lane miles annually.
  • Street Sweeping – The sweeper concentrates on arterials and bike paths and then moves into residential districts systematically.
  • Street Creep – While driveway maintenance is the responsibility of the property owner, the City offers a service to help with the thermal expansion of concrete and improper maintenance of driveways.  Learn more about the City's Street Creep Policy (PDF).
  • Joint Expansion – Like any material, concrete expands and contracts with the temperature and intersections, long stretches and curves are susceptible to heaves; therefore, City staff systematically goes through the City to install/repair joints to help with this expansion.
  • Street Lights – In general, a majority of the street lights are maintained by a utility company, but the Streets Department will serve as a liaison to those companies to get the lights repaired.

Stormwater Infrastructure

The Stormwater group, within the Street Division, is responsible for maintaining over 19,000 structures and over 300 miles of storm pipe, and the storm infrastructure can be both within the right-of-way or special easements granted to the City. However, not all storm infrastructure is considered public. Most stormwater infrastructure on commercial property is private as well as some infrastructure on common ground within residential areas. In addition, detention basin maintenance is the responsibility of each HOA. For more information on stormwater management or large-scale storm projects, please visit the Stormwater Management Division.

  • Inspections – 1/10th of the City's storm infrastructure is inspected annually to identify major and minor items.
  • Sinkholes – These typically occur adjacent to storm structures that have a small joint failure and City Staff will perform a dye test to determine the location and best course of repair.
  • Grout lining – Structures and pipes will be pro-actively grouted to prevent future leaks or reactively if leaks are encountered or pipe failures have occurred.
  • Concrete Repairs – Some street and sidewalk repairs are needed due to stormwater matters.

Other resources
  • Citizens First Center – Submit a question, concern or repair request to City staff.
  • Snow and Ice Operations
  • Adopt-A-Street program

Contact Streets staff (7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday)

General Assistance 636-379-3807