To contact the City of O'Fallon about Snow Control operations, please call the City's Streets Division at 636-379-3807. Or, email the Division at

When it snows, City of O’Fallon crews work around the clock to get motorists moving as quickly as possible by efficiently clearing more than 700 "lane miles" of pavement and 1,100 cul-de-sacs. For safety's sake, always stay clear of snow plows. In general, the City has designated 14 zones or routes and will place 1, 2 or 3 snow plow drivers in each of these routes depending on the severity of the storm. The crews will work in 12-hour shifts day and night until the job is completed. During full scale operations, each 12-hour shift can have up to 46 drivers (92 total drivers).

The two best things residents can do to help in the snow removal effort is to first move any parked cars off the street out of the way of snow plows and emergency vehicles and second not travel out onto the roads until they are completely clear. O'Fallon's Municipal Code expressly forbids parking on City streets once accumulating snow or ice begins. Violators may be ticketed or towed. Please keep the streets safe and park in your driveway!

O'Fallon Municipal Code (385.010):

With any winter weather event, parking on City streets becomes problematic in maintaining efficient and effective snow/ice removal operations. Parked vehicles slow snow/ice removal operations and create situations that impede street clearing operations depriving residents and the traveling public of safe and efficient travel. Similarly, emergency response will be affected. As such, the following regulations shall apply to parking on City streets during any winter weather event.

  1. A parking prohibition on all City streets shall automatically go into effect without any formal declaration when there has been any accumulation of snow, ice, or other frozen precipitation.
  2. Once in effect, a prohibition under this Chapter shall remain in effect until terminated by announcement of the Mayor or City Administrator, except that any street which has become substantially clear of snow and ice for the length of the entire block shall be automatically excluded therefrom.

Snow control operations during the storm and after the storm are different.  During the storm, crews will constantly cycle through their assigned streets trying to maintain at least one clear path (room for one car width) on the streets. After the storm, drivers will first establish that clear path on all their assigned streets; then, begin a process of widening this to get a clear path for two-way traffic. Then, will continue the widening to get the pavement cleared close to the curbs on both sides of the street. You should expect that the plows will come down your street many times until the job is done. 

After the streets are cleared close to the curbs, drivers will go into a clean-up phase where they will go around and improve areas that were not done well earlier. At this point they will also be cleaning up intersections and, when we receive more than 4 inches of snow, cul-de-sacs.

The goals of snow control operations are to have Collector and Arterial Streets cleared for two-way traffic within six hours of the end of the storm and to have a clear path (the width of one car) on all residential streets within 12 hours of the end of a storm. The widening out of streets and clean up phase will continue 24-36 hours after the end of a storm.

The City's Snow Plow personnel are required to attend yearly training on refreshing their snow plow skills, as well as learning their snow plow routes every fall.

Still have concerns or questions? Call the City's Streets Division at 636-379-3807 or email them at Or, when the City declares a citywide Snow Emergency.

Parking problems?

Too many vehicles to park in your driveway or garage? Residents may temporarily park their vehicles in the lots at the Ozzie Smith Sports Complex, Westhoff Park's main lot, Civic Park's large lot, Sports Park and Dames Park during any snow/ice-related parking bans. This option is offered as a convenience to our residents, and the City accepts no liability for any damage to vehicles parked in these lots. Please note: 

  • All vehicles must be removed from the lot within 24 hours after any parking ban is lifted. 
  • The City does not plow these lots until AFTER all streets are cleared. Lots may be snow/ice-covered while your car is parked there.
  • The City is not responsible for any damage to your vehicle while it is parked on these lots.
  • These lots may not be patrolled during a snow storm. Please do not leave any valuables in your vehicle as the City can not accept responsibility for any items or vehicles that may be lost or stolen while parked in these lots.

Important Information for when it snows

Can I call to report an area that needs plowing?

How can I keep my driveway and mailbox from being snowed- in by plowing?

How many miles of streets does the City of O'Fallon maintain?

How quickly will the City of O'Fallon clear my street?

I live on a cul-de-sac. How will the City deal with the snow on my street?

I see neighbors and some businesses clearing driveways and pushing the snow back onto the street. Can I do the same?

If I have an emergency, will the City plow my area first so an ambulance can get through?

Is the City responsible for damage to my mailbox or yard?

It says residential streets will have a “clear path” within 12 hours of the end of the storm. What does “clear path” mean?

What can homeowners do to help speed the process along?

What if I don't want to move my parked car off the street?

What roads are cleared by the City of O'Fallon's crews?

When I park on the street, my car gets buried by snow plows. What can I do?

Which streets are cleared first?

Why do I see snow plows go down my street multiple times? Why don’t they just clear my street and then move onto the next one?

Will the City clean my sidewalk or parking lot?