The Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court of Missouri (O'Fallon Municipal Division) is an extension and qualified division of the Circuit Court of St. Charles County. The Municipal Court adjudicates traffic and other ordinance violations primarily filed by the O'Fallon Police Department and Code Enforcement Officers.

Proper attire is required. No shorts, halter tops or tank tops allowed in the courtroom. Mobile phones will not be allowed in the courtroom.

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Search Court Cases*

If you do not have your ticket number, please filter results using "11th Judical Circuit (St. Charles County)"

Pay Court Fine(s)

Pay Court Fine(s)

Credit/Debit Card or Electronic Bank Draft (eCheck)

Schedule of Fines (PDF)

Schedule of Fines (PDF)

Fines and Costs for Municipal Offenses

Lake St. Louis and Weldon Spring Municipal Courts

Beginning January 1, 2023, the City of O'Fallon began providing municipal court services for the Cities of Lake St. Louis and Weldon Spring. The respective jurisdictions provide their prosecuting attorney for their cases, while the City of O'Fallon provides the judge and O'Fallon staff handles the administrative functions. All court proceedings are held at the O'Fallon Justice Center (1019 Bryan Rd. O'Fallon, MO 63366).

Click here, Lake St. Louis Municipal Court for further, or call 636-980-5960.

Click here, Weldon Spring Municipal Court for further, or call 636-980-5980.

The mission of The Municipal Court is to treat citizens in a timely, courteous and efficient manner and assure them of a fair and impartial disposition of their case(s).

The Honorable Judge Tim Engelmeyer, serves as O'Fallon's Municipal Court Judge, K. Kyle McKay serves as Prosecuting Attorney, and Jeff Chapple serves as Court Administrator. Six clerks assist the Municipal Court.

Other Resources
Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Mailing and Operations Address

City of O'Fallon – Municipal Court
1019 Bryan Road
O'Fallon, MO  63366

Fax: 636-379-5415
Phone: 636-240-8766

Transportation Services

Need help with transportation to court? Contact MO Rides, a regional referral service working with transportation providers to coordinate affordable rides for people with transportation challenges.

Plan a route to the O'Fallon Justice Center

1019 Bryan Road, O'Fallon, MO 63366

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