The Economic Development Department is proactive in developing relationships with businesses seeking to locate, retain or expand their operation in O’Fallon. The City works to market and promote the area for new business investment, economic growth, quality development and the creation of job opportunities.

Apply for a Business License

Renew a Business License

Find a Current Business

Online business map & directory

Keep It in the "O"

When you shop and dine within the City of O’Fallon, you not only help our local businesses, you also support the great City parks, the O’Fallon Police Department and the many services that help keep this City such a great place to live.

Many of the City of O’Fallon’s services are funded primarily by sales tax revenue, so when you spend your hard-earned money within our City limits, you are ensuring that our City’s high quality of life is protected for years to come. And, you help to create new job opportunities right in “your own backyard.” So, keep your community great for years to come. Support your local businesses and “Keep it in the O!” by shopping O’Fallon first.


Business Watch Program

Through coordination by the O'Fallon Police Department, Business Watch encourages local businesses to keep an eye on neighboring businesses as well as their own and report suspicious activity.

Learn more about the Business Watch Program's additional features and free training opportunities.

Other resources

Contact Economic Development staff

Patrick McKeehan, Economic Development Director 636-379-5510
Patty Brown, Economic Development Specialist 636-379-5530
Megan Baucom, Business Recruiting Specialist 636-379-5634
Ann Beers, Administrative Assistant 636-379-5532