The Code Enforcement Division coordinates all code enforcement activity, addressing public nuisance violations (recorded through field observation, citizen/Council/Police Department/staff requests). They provide all necessary follow-up, including enforcement action resulting in Municipal Court appearance for unresolved violations, and feedback as necessary to complainants.

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The following are lists that can be used as a guideline to assess current or potential problems in your area:

Exterior Property Area
  • The presence or accumulation of debris of any kind including, but not limited to, weed cuttings, cut and fallen trees and shrubs, rubbish, garbage and trash, manure, rocks or bricks, tin, steel, parts of derelict cars or trucks, broken furniture.
  • Any storage or accumulation on any premises or any open lot of any lumber, bricks, stones, gravel, concrete, dirt, sand or similar materials.
  • Any accumulation, deposit or outside storage or any vehicular or equipment parts, inoperable appliances and other equipment, junk or material of any nature where it may constitute an attractive nuisance danger to children, provide a breeding or nesting area for vermin, rodents and other animals, or collect stagnant water.
  • Dead or dying trees.
  • The maintenance, storage or use of any interior furniture outside a fully enclosed structure.
  • Storage of firewood in the front yard of any lot, other than in a commercially manufactured decorative firewood rack on the front porch, or in the rear yard of any lot unless evenly piled or stacked either on open racks elevated not less than six (6) inches above the ground or on a durably paved surface.
  • Garbage and recycle cans which are not securely covered, and garbage and recycle cans which have been left or stored along public roads, sidewalks and rights-of-way in the City of O'Fallon for anytime outside the thirty-six (36) hours beginning at 6:00 P.M. on the evening prior to that resident's scheduled service day and ending at 6:00 A.M. the day following the scheduled service. Holidays occurring during the week can affect the resident's normally scheduled service day.
Exterior Structure
  • All exterior painted surfaces such as fascia, siding, and trim must be maintained, no chipped or peeling paint.
  • Exterior vinyl siding, metal trim wrap, and similar materials must be maintained without holes, damaged, or missing.
  • Address numbers must be installed on the home, be 4 inch in height and be a contrasting color from the background.
  • Roofs must be maintained weather tight, no missing shingles.
  • All windows and screens must be without breaks, cracks, or holes.
  • The presence of any graffiti displayed on exterior surfaces.
  • Decks, porches and similar structures must be maintained structurally sound.
Public Nuisances
  • Stagnant water and water collected and allowed to stand for more than thirty-six (36) hours.
  • Any infestation of flies, fleas, roaches, lice, ticks, rats, mice, fly maggots, mosquito larvae and hookworm larvae.
  • The keeping of animals and fowls in any area within the City.
  • The shining of artificial light onto public or private property as to be an annoyance, hurt, injury or inconvenience to other persons.
  • Water or other liquid diverted from a sump pump where the discharge is less than 15 feet from the street, which flows onto streets and sidewalks.
  • Any land disturbance activity or area where vegetation has been cleared or has not been maintained or other condition which results in the runoff of mud, dirt, rocks or any other material onto sidewalks, streets or other rights-of-way or into creeks, streams, drainage ditch or any storm water system or facility.
Tall Grass and Weeds
  • Grass, brush, vegetation and weeds more than eight (8) inches in height. Properties larger than 2 acres must maintain this height for 20 feet back from the edge of the street. These rules shall not apply to:
    1. On land designated as being within a floodplain
    2. Within fifteen (15) feet of the top of the bank of a creek or larger waterway; and
    3. On land which has a slope of more than 2.5 to 1.
Vehicles Declared a Nuisance
  • The parking or storage of any derelict, expired or unlicensed, abandoned, or non-functional vehicle, trailer, boat, camper or other recreational vehicle unless such storage is within an enclosed garage.
  • Any vehicle, trailer, boat, camper or other recreational vehicle shall be parked on a durably-paved surface; for the purposes of this Section, "durably-paved surface" shall mean asphalt or concrete. However, any residence or business establishment with a legally permitted gravel parking surface may use such surface for parking of licensed and functional vehicles.
Commercial Vehicle Parking*
  • Any vehicle, DOT class 3 or above shall not be parked on any street in a residential area. No semi-tractor and/or trailer shall be parked in a residential driveway.

*Any vehicle violation addressed by Code Enforcement must be on private property, all vehicle violations located on the street is handled by the Police Department.

  • Non-permitted signs
  • Any addition or structure built without a permit
  • Smoking Ban violations

Contact Code Enforcement staff

Complaints, concerns or questions must be filed through Brenda Moyers or the online portal. Officers can not respond to complaints through their email or phone messages.

Robert Morris, Code Enforcement Supervisor 636-379-5691
Brenda Moyers, Code Enforcement Technician  636-379-5435
Robert Kitsmiller, Property Maintenance/Code Enforcement Inspector 636-379-5637
Carrie Alexander, Property Maintenance/Code Enforcement Inspector 636-379-4221
Jeff Pope, Property Maintenance/Code Enforcement Inspector 636-379-5552