The City Clerk prepares agendas for City Council meetings, and maintains the official minutes of Council proceedings. In addition, the City Clerk’s office is the legal custodian of the permanent records for the City, which includes ordinances, resolutions and contracts. The City Clerk supervises the retention of permanent records and the disposal of non-permanent records. The City Clerk is the custodian of the official City Seal and the Code of Ordinances.

The City Clerk abides by the Freedom of Information Act in compliance with the Sunshine Law and makes available information requested. A form is available to better fulfill your request.

The City Clerk’s office files official notices for advertisement, public hearings, certifies official documents, prepares documents for candidate filing for City elections and administers oaths of office for public officials.

The City Clerk also reviews and issues license and permit requirements for the sale of alcoholic beverages, Live Entertainment, Solicitation, Video Arcade and Business Licenses.

Apply for or Renew a Liquor License

Contact the City Clerk

Bess Bacher, City Clerk 636-379-5555
Katie Crabtree, Assistant City Clerk 636-379-5535
Conan Stott, Deputy City Clerk 636-379-5550
Jill Reitzner, Deputy City Clerk 636-379-5503