Business Watch window decalWhether your company is corporate, retail, or not-for-profit, your business is invited to join the O’Fallon Police Department’s City-wide O’Fallon Business Watch program. It’s free!

Similar to Neighborhood Watch, Business Watch encourages businesses to keep an eye on neighboring businesses as well as their own and report suspicious activity. But the Business Watch program has additional features, too, including free training:

  • Tips on catching criminals in the act
  • How to provide timely, effective information to the police
  • Alerts and information regarding neighborhood crime issues
  • Information geared to your business on crime prevention and detection for crimes such as shoplifting, fraud and use of high-tech security equipment
  • Developing and maintaining a cooperative crime-alert business network
  • Availability of up-to-date educational law enforcement resources, such as disaster preparedness and security issues

There is no cost! Simply contact Sgt. Kris Wright at or 636-980-5936 to get started.

Important Business Watch Concepts

Get to know your business neighbors! There is a social component to Business Watch. The better you know the people who work in your neighboring businesses, the more likely you - and they - are to look out for each other. So make personal contact and let them know you are a member of Business Watch. Talk about how you can work together to prevent crime and keep an eye on each other's business.

Report suspicious activity to the Police immediately, even if it means taking a chance you may be wrong!

Objectives of Business Watch

  • Educate businesses on new trends in crime, identity theft, internal theft, and bogus instruments.
  • Attend store meetings and discuss crime prevention issues and pass on criminal exchange information, trends with crime groups, etc.
  • Update emergency contact information.
  • Attend special events, child safety day, ribbon cutting ceremonies, etc.
  • Organize specialized training for managers, i.e. safety, theft, fraud, etc.
  • Track statistical data in the business community and disseminate that information.
  • Provide information on the business community for the Chief, Command Staff and City Administrator.
  • Work with business groups and attend meetings.
  • Provide a quarterly newsletter that can be electronically e-mailed to businesses.
  • Identify property managers within the City and address and serve as a liaison.
  • Identify those businesses which have Corporate Security and be available for any issues or training needs.
  • Respond to businesses and complete a business security survey.

Contact Police Department staff

Sgt. Kris Wright 636-980-5936 FAX: 636-379-5697